Not least among the many joys of working for an independent publisher is discovering the host of splendid independent bookshops who are flying the flag for individuality and literary enthusiasm.
Among those who have been particularly supportive of the Capuchin cause - and within whose walls you can find a good selection of our books - is WENLOCK BOOKS in Shropshire. This shop combines the venerable setting of a 15th Century grade II listed building with equally traditional bookselling skills and the latest technology to offer a rich experience on each visit. Among the other publishers championed here are Eland Books and Persephone, both of whose lists are also deeply admired by the Capuchin staff. Wenlock Books also caters to the classical music aficionado by stocking a range of labels including Naxos and Hyperion.
The CALDER BOOKSHOP near Waterloo has also been a good supporter. As well as offering a range of titles aimed at the more discerning literary palette, they host a number of literary events and launches which explore various themes and writers in international literature.
Finally, if you're wandering in the Cotswolds, panting for good books, THE CAMPDEN BOOKSHOP in Chipping Campden will provide what you seek.
Bummel. A ramble or journey without any particular purpose. See Three men on the Bummel by Jerome K Jerome; a superior book (in this blogger's opinion) to its better known counterpart.
Until reading that word of the day, I was convinced that a bummel was a kind of tandem bicycle built for three. I have absolutely no idea why... but then, I only ever read ...in a boat
I mean that I only ever read Three Men in a Boat, not that I only ever read while, you know, in a boat.
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