The author of the very interesting and well-written literary blog - Frisbee: a Book Journal - has just posted an enthusiastic review of Capuchin Classics' How I Became a Holy Mother and other Stories, by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala.
To quote the blog's author, who goes by the web-name of Mad Housewife:
How I Became a Holy Mother is a beautiful collection of short stories, in which Jhabvala explores the lives of Indian film stars, singers, wealthy older women, students, housewives, spinsters and other unique characters. Some of these characters are contentedly ensconced in extended families, while others restlessly seek fulfillment outside the demarcations of tradition.
Ms Housewife (dare I speculate on whether her close friends call her 'Mad'?) writes entertainingly on a range of books and literary subjects, and I particularly enjoyed her humorous ruminations on what kinds of books one should be seen reading at a coffee house, and what images these books project to fellow caffeine users.
Frisbee contains many stimulating reviews and interesting suggestions for additions to its readers' bookshelves, and is heartily recommended.
Check it out, as the young people probably don't say any more.
Litotes: an expression in which something is asserted by the denial of its opposite, e.g. "Hampstead is not an unattractive borough".
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