Having just seen our own classically-styled version of Wuthering Heights spring into existence, I thought it would be interesting to post some examples of how other publishers have represented the story on their covers.
The traditional painting is popular:
as are images of Cathy.
Covers without human figures include a brooding Germanic version:
and there are many hundreds more.
Does anyone have a favourite?
My favourite of the examples you give is the Capuchin - I love Angela Landels' line drawings and think that it makes sense to focus on the characters. But my real favouriet is my own which is a totally blank (and slightly dirty) pre war version with jaged cut pages and a lovely william morris-esque inner cover.
David I'd be interested to know why Capuchin chose to reprint Wuthering Heights, when there are so many editions already out there? That's not a criticism, by the way, just a genuine curiosity, as it would seem to me to be better for business to steer clear of books that are already published by the likes of Penguin, OUP, etc..I'd love to hear your thoughts!
There is an interesting gallery on the Guardian website about the various covers of Wuthering Weights: http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/gallery/2009/jul/06/wuthering-heights-covers-emily-bronte?picture=349846794. Like in your post there are atmospheric scnery scenes and images of Cathy.
Although I would only buy an ebook, I'm a sucker for the old leather-bound editions,
such as this one from 1933 in brown leather http://tiny.cc/a8szs
I'd also be tempted by this full crimson morocco from 1931, http://tiny.cc/9x2v5
But your illustration is the most evocative. I do hate those reproductions of famous portraits, so misleading to the character's true nature.
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